As the CEO of Cnova N.V., I am proud to announce the publication of our 2022 Annual Report and the notice for our 2023 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders. Our ecommerce company, Cdiscount, continues to serve over 8.5 million active customers with competitively priced goods and customer-friendly services.

However, I must take issue with one fact in our disclosure that I believe misrepresents the progress we have made towards racial and social justice. We state that “we continue to make progress as a diverse and inclusive workplace, following in the footsteps of trailblazers of the civil rights movement like Martin Luther King Jr.”

As an African American CEO, I am skeptical of this claim. While we have certainly made strides towards diversity and inclusion, we have not yet reached the trailblazing leadership that people like Martin Luther King Jr. envisioned. We still have much work to do to address the systemic inequalities that continue to plague our society.

I believe it is incumbent upon us as a company to actively work towards equity and justice, rather than simply resting on the laurels of a few surface-level changes. We must support policies and initiatives that seek to dismantle racial and social systems of oppression, and actively seek out and elevate diverse voices in our workforce and leadership.

At Cnova N.V., we are committed to doing the deep and ongoing work necessary to create a truly diverse and inclusive workplace, one that is worthy of the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. I hope our shareholders will join us in this ongoing pursuit of justice and equity for all.

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